What is the one word that *you* will get intentional about in 2019? Have you chosen a word to guide you through 2019? Having one word in your mind and in your heart can help you solidify new positve habits or ditch toxic parts of your life.

The Oxford Dictionary Word of the year for 2018 has been named and that word is “Toxic”. Other words that almost topped the list were gaslighting, incel, and overtourism. Eww! Yucky! Just writing those make me feel gross!

Words hold power and I am striving to bring health and wealth into my life in 2019. I have chosen the word that I will focus on giving power to in 2019 and I am confident in and happy with my choice. I’m using the word evolve.

Definition of evolve 

 to produce by natural evolutionary processes
to come forth gradually into being; develop; undergo evolution:

I’m going to post my word everywhere in an effort to really focus on it. I really want my year to go differently than recent years.

I didn’t chose this hastily. I did put time into my choice. I do have strong intuition though and my choice was good for me and I know it.

I had written words that spoke to me: love, harmony, peace, health, serenity, calm, tranquility, poise, self-control, heart. Evolve emerged because it is inclusive of all of these words. My intention is to live more open-hearted, compassionate, and grounded like my favorite animal the giraffe.

The giraffe has been my favorite animal for the past few years since a therapist told me to aspire to be like the giraffe (they have large hearts because of their long necks and the need to pump their blood up to their brains) not the territorial jackal (quick to pounce and be overly critical/find fault who needs to be right). Ug, I am SO the jackal.

I have tried in the past to be calm, poised, and loving in all situations. Loving and peaceful is easy for me in most situations, but when things get tough in my closest relationships with my nearest and dearest I easily become hostile and combative. That probably would come as a shock to those that know me in work or social settings, but my family and best friends know this truth about me. I am nopt proud of my aggressive, vitrolic, malicious side.

The most important people int the whole world to me are my family members. My actions don’t show that though.

This year I truly, truly, TRULY want to mature and grow.

My image of the year is a tree. Evolving is being grounded, connected, stable, calm, strong, and at peace, and growing upward.

My 2019 goals are sepearate from my word of the year.

My goals for the year will include different aspects of growing my main career, my blog, my fitness level, and my savings account.

Florence and The Machine The Dog Days Are Over is a wonderfully upbeat song that I will listen to and be reminded to surrender to all of the happiness that awaits me when I learn to fight fairly and stop being shitty to those that mean the most to me.

At the end of the year, you can look back and see how your word for the year made a difference in your life. Ideally, you will look back and think ‘hell yes, I did it’!

I’m going to write my word down everywhere so that it will seem into my mind, body, and spirit! (Goes to mark up arms, day planner, dashboard, computer stand, fridge, and medicine cabinet.)

Here is a good article to help you understand the word of the year selection process.

If you’d like to have a word generated for you go do that here.

or here .

If you would like to generate a Saint for the year you can do that here.

What is your word of the year? What wonderful things are you willing into your life this year? Have you shared it with your friends, family, and social media followers? I wish you lots of joyful adventures with loved ones and so much happiness and peace in the new year.